2024-2025 Student Resource Handbook

17 RADISSON HOTEL TORONTO EAST Email: radissontorontoeast@sunraygroup.ca Web: radisson.com/torontoca_east 55 Hallcrown Place Toronto Ontario M2J 4R1 T: 416 493 7000 F: 416 493 2754 take on the responsibility. Ask if you can alternate weekly. If they have an allergy, consider getting a HEPA vacuum and air filter. It will reduce the dust substantially and perhaps eliminating the chore altogether. Do Your Laundry Once A Week Create a laundry fund that the both of you can access and accumulate your spare change in. That way, when it comes to laundry day, you will both have plenty of toonies, loonies, and quarters for whatever combination of coins the machine takes to take with you to the laundromat. Do Your Dishes Immediately After Eating A lot of people struggle with this method, thinking as they put their dirty dishes in the sink, that they will do them at a later time. But by the end of a few days, all the dishes will have been used and you may not have any paper plates to compensate. If you live alone, try doing the dishes after you eat for thirty days. That way, it will become a habit, instead of a chore. If you live with a room mate, ask them to dry while you wash the dishes, and vice versa. Do your prep-dishes, pots, and pans before you eat, while the food is still loose and wet. Also try to use only one fork, knife, spoon, plate and cup. Don’t forget to put the dishes away once they are done! Clean The Fridge Out Weekly This will help reduce waste and make it easier for you to do your shopping. Also, making meals will be a snap. Use any items that are about to expire. There are even sites online that allow you to input your ingredients, and suggest meals to cook. Clean And De-clutter Surfaces Regularly Nothing is more frustrating than going to prepare a meal, and not having enough space to do your prep work. Tables, counter tops, and preparation areas should be free of all debris and sanitized. Keep a tub of bleach wipes handy on the counter for an easy and quick cleanup. Use coasters so that your tables don’t get moisture rings on them. www.trivago.ca www.247apartments.com transportation and stores. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn’t. Scammers spin stories like they are about to leave for Europe or another destination, and need someone to take care of their home. One room or basement living is most commonly described. They will tell you that once they receive your funds, they will send you the keys to the rental by mail. Remember, if it doesn’t feel legitimate, don’t do it. Move on to the next rental on your list. Never give your personal, credit card, or banking information to a stranger via email. KEEPING YOUR LIVING SPACE TIDY College and University can be a big challenge. An even bigger challenge can be keeping your living space tidy and well organized. Between classes, studying, and the occasional party, you barely have time to clean! Keeping your space tidy helps you to complete schoolwork, relax, and feel much more at ease. If you have a room mate, then it will keep the tension to a minimum. Finding clothes all over the floor and week long take out leftovers in the fridge can create a negative situation that neither party wants to be in. If you do have a room mate, share all the chores between the both of you. If one of you does not like to dust, then the other should be the one to