2024-2025 Student Resource Handbook

31 905.837.0288 factorymattress.com Family owned and operated since 1986! 1650 Bayly St. Pickering, ON Mario And Stella Mattresses • Box Springs • Futons • Frames • Headboards • Wrought Iron Beds • Day beds • Replacement Foam Cushions • Re-upholstery • Order custom mattresses for boats and trailers too! Discount Flyers Discount flyers are a very good way for you to buy more on your budget. Most major merchants offer either weekly or monthly flyers that will have sometimes considerable savings on many of the products they have on sale. Is Less Better? We choose to buy $25 shirts with $100 designer labels attached, yet we opt for the $100 dinner at the trendy restaurant when a $20 meal would have been just as delicious. Think about where you are spending your money and how savings could have been found with changes in habits. Try Before You Buy This goes a long way in helping to avoid the silly purchases of things you will rarely or never use. Before you buy something, especially items with big price tags, borrow one, rent one or try one out before you plunk down the cash. Be aware that every time anyone runs a credit inquiry your credit score goes down. Consumer reporting agencies do keep your credit information on file for up to seven years. Maintaining your payments promptly and on time, even if only with the minimum required payment you will improve your credit performance. Know Your Rights Insist on changes if your report contains incorrect information. It is possible to obtain your personal credit report free of charge. Beware When Rectifying Your Credit It is illegal for anyone to charge you a fee to repair or rectify your credit report before they produce results. TIPS ON SAVING MONEY Distinguish your wants and needs. You will save a lot of money if you do not get these two mixed up. Needs are identified easily, they are items that are necessary to sustain you like shelter, food, clothing, transportation. Wants are the things that are absolutely unnecessary to sustain you. www.buytopia.ca www.welcomestudentpages.ca 778 Dundas Street West (Just West of Bathurst) 10% Discount with Valid Student ID * * Excludes Sale Items. Fast & Friendly Service Inexpensive New & Used Student Bikes OLYMPIC FOOD & CHEESE MART St. Lawrence Market: 93 Front St. E. Toronto, ON. M5E 1C3 Tel: 416-363-7602 Fax: 416-636-5482 WESTNEY OPTICAL • EXAMS/EYEGLASSES 15 Westney Road North Ajax, ON. L1T 1P5 Tel: 905-231-1100 Web: westneyoptical.com READ MORE SPEND LESS! WeBuyandSell BOOKS•MAGAZINES•VIDEOS New & Used quality Books, CDs, DVDs, Comics and Magazines “Toronto’s best bookstore”                           