2021-2022 Student Resource Handbook

37 Women should avoid walking alone at night. Try to arrange walking home, or to the bus stop with someone. Security guards are usually more than willing to help. If you are using public transit at night, best to sit close to the driver and request them to let you get off close to your house if there is no stop close to where you live, they are required to do this. Avoid parking lots during night hours, if you must cross one then ask someone to walk with you. Always stay in well-lit areas. You will tend to fit in with anyone walking the same way. Avoid hanging around any empty classrooms or hallways on campus. When you’ve finished what you were doing, then go straight on to your next destination. Don’t carry wads of cash with you or items like jewelery, MP3 or iPod players, laptop or tablet devices or anything else when going out that may attract dishonest individuals. Always leave them safe at home or in your locker. SOCIALIZING TIPS WHEN OUT AND ABOUT Know What Is Reasonable To Expect Many of us go out with the intent to just socialize. Flirting while it’s common and enjoyable to most of us it usually is not returned as an indication you should be expecting anything more. Always respect others and only allow any other further association to develop naturally. Personal Presentation Before you think of your deodorant and perfume or cologne, socializing is as good a time as any to ensure you have excellent personal hygiene. Do not make the usual mistake that just because something has a great scent that you’ll need a lot of it. Most people find only a subtle enhancement of fragrance much more attractive. More Than Just Looks It is said ‘Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder’. However, beauty does not only consist of looks. A person’s confidence, sense of humour, ability to communicate and a sense of dress can often be more attractive in the long run than just looks alone. Don’t be shy and just be yourself. Sell Yourself Without Buying Consideration In today’s society most people expect that they will be incurring a part of the cost of being out. While it is considerate for you to always offer to pay for some things out of your own pocket do not prevent someone else also offering to contribute towards the overall cost. Otherwise many feel like they are being bought or that you are just making up for inadequacies you feel about yourself. Knowing Limits Always intend to enjoy any socializing you choose to do, but learn to know yourself and set limits. There is not a greater turn off than an individual who becomes a loud embarrassing, rambling, incoherent, obnoxious, and offensive person. You should choose extremely wisely. Any ‘party to the max’ scenarios may make a lasting impression with people you might want to get to know better. Keep Your Hands To Yourself Some people are considered space invaders and when having only a casual conversation just get too close. Some people do not have a problem with ‘touchy feely’ encounters, but others do not like it and quickly become offended. Touching can be a flirty action, but should be confined to the arms or hand holding. If you chose to be this way always pay attention to how the other person is reacting to you and always stop immediately if it is obviously clear that you are making them feel uncomfortable. Venues And Getting Out Do not become disillusioned into believing bars, dance clubs, and parties are the only places you can go and make new friends. Everywhere can be a possibility, all you’ll need to do is have a desire to meet other new people and then be yourself. Just use your caution when meeting others over 569 Yonge Street Toronto, On. M4Y 1Z2 www.etravelair.com Travelair can help you get the best price for any travel product you need! AIRFARE • HOTELS • TOURS • TRAVEL INSURANCE ALL-INCLUSIVE VACATIONS • AND MORE S HOW YOUR S TUDENT OR S TAFF I.D. FOR GREAT TRAVEL DEALS! Tel: 416-964-1950 Fax: 416-964-7546 Toll Free: 1-800-335-2304 Email: [email protected] 569 Yonge Street Toronto, On. M4Y 1Z2 www.etravelair.com TAXI SERVICES INC. 24 HOUR SERVICE (905) 602-0000 1-800-839-8294 •Airport•OutofTown•ParcelPick-Up&Delivery•BatteryBoost