2024-2025 Student Resource Handbook

48 The good carb’s get digested more slowly. This is what helps keep your blood sugar and insulin levels from rising and falling too quickly, helping you get full quicker and feeling fuller for longer. Some of the sources for ‘the good carb’s’ are beans, fruits, and whole grains. Also, attempt as much as you possibly can to avoid any stress while your eating. Stress causes our digestion to become compromised which causes such health problems as colitis and heartburn. Try as much as you can to avoid eating while working, watching TV (especially disturbing programs or the news), driving, or if your arguing. Try taking some deep breaths prior to beginning your meal, or play soothing music and light some candles to create a relaxing atmosphere. Listen to your body: Ask yourself if you are really hungry. You may really be thirsty, so try drinking a glass of water first. During a meal, stop eating before you begin to feel full. It does actually take a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly. Vegetables will also offer you many additional health benefits that include heart disease and cancer prevention. Whole Grains Consumption For Long-Lasting Healthy Carbohydrate Energy In addition to being delicious and satisfying, whole grains are extremely rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, which do help you protect against coronary heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes. Studies have shown people who eat more whole grains tend to have a healthier heart. Make whole grains an important part of every meal. Make Sure You’re Really Getting Whole Grains Focus on including grains that are in their whole form, such as whole grain brown rice, quinoa, millet, and barley. When you want to eat healthy grains in the form of breads or cereals be aware that the words 100% wheat, stone ground, multi grain do not necessarily mean that a product will be whole grain. Look for the new Whole Grain Stamp from the Whole Grains Council. If there is no stamp look for the words “whole grain” or “100% whole wheat” and check the ingredients to make sure all grains that are listed are specified as whole grain. Some of the good sources of whole grains are dark breads and toasted wheat cereals. Avoid when ever you can refined grains such as breakfast cereals, breads, and pastas, that are not whole grain. Fibre Dietary fibre is found in plant foods (vegetables fruit, and whole grains) and it is essential for you in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fibre helps support a healthy diet by helping you feel fuller faster and for longer, which is another way that can help you not to over eat. This also will keep your blood sugar levels even by slowing digestion and absorption so that glucose (sugar) enters the bloodstream slowly and steadily. Fibre in your diet maintains and keeps your colon healthy. The simple organic acids produced when fibre is broken down during the digestive process helps to nourish the lining of the colon. The Two Types Of Fibre Are Soluble And Insoluble Soluble fibre can dissolve in water and can also help you to lower blood fats that maintain blood sugar levels. Primary sources are oat products, beans, and fruit. Insoluble fibre can’t dissolve in water, so it only passes directly through the digestive system. It’s found in whole grain products and vegetables. www.whfoods.com www.prevention.com 790 Military Trail, Scarborough (Morningside & 401) 416-284-3003 www.reginospizza.com www.facebook.com/reginospizza 2 Awesome Oakville Locations 217 Cross Ave (9)844-9170 1011 Upper Middle Rd -(9)844-8751 Valid only at these 2 locations Show your valid student card 10% OFF S T U D E N T S P E C I A L S T U D E N T S P E C I A L 211Marycroft Ave, Unit 4A, Woodbridge, South of Hwy. 7 (905) 856-6122 www.thevaughancitygrill.ca 15% OFF regular priced food items with student or sta ID Monday to Friday 6 am - 4 pm Saturday to Sunday 7 am - 4 pm ALL DAY Breakfast VEGETARIAN HAVEN 17 Baldwin Street Toronto, ON M5T 1L1 Tel: 416-621-3636 Web: vegetarianhaven.com www.discovergoodnutrition.com