2024-2025 Student Resource Handbook

71 Fact: True, a large bran muffin can contain 6 to 8 grams of fibre, but it also can contain 350 to 500 calories, much of it coming from fat, which clearly is of no benefit to your health. Fact: You get the equivalent amount (or more) of fibre, without all the fat, from a bowl of bran cereal and low-fat milk. Another way to increase your dietary fibre is to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Fact: It’s nonsense to say health and good taste can’t go together. Health isn’t about denial. Even foods like chocolate or premium ice cream can be included in your diet as long as you balance them with healthy food and exercise. method as a way they cope with stressful or out of control situations. Behavioural patterns associated with bulimia to keep a look out for include: • • • • SUGAR Some Truths About A Few Popular Food Myths Myth: Sugar is white death. Fact: To date there is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that eating sugar, in normal quantities, will cause health issues like diabetes, heart disease, hyperactivity in children or of any obesity issues. Sugar itself does not have any particular nutritional value. It supplies energy and taste only. At 16 calories per teaspoon, you have to eat a lot before any body weight will be gained. Sugar, however, does play a role in tooth decay which is why it’s important to brush after eating anything that contains it. Myth: Eating bran muffins is the best way to add fibre to your diet. Often a sufferer will disappear to the bathroom after meals. Problems eating in front of other people. Bathroom often smells of vomit. Insomnia and Anxiety. www.smokershelpline.ca QUIT SMOKING Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and reducing the health of smokers in general. The long list of diseases caused by smoking has been expanded to also include many disorders like abdominal aortic acute myeloid leukemia, cataracts, cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer, pneumonia, and periodontists. These are additional to diseases previously known smoking will cause, including CompleteSterillization DisposableNeedles NewNeedles for Every Customer Reasonable Prices Friendly CleanAtmosphere Thousands ofDesigns or Bring Yours Over 20Years Experiance Tel: (905) 455-5316 www.bodyandsoultattoo.ca 77 Main St. N., Brampton (1 Blk North of Queen) Board of Health Approved